Title: "Ek Galat Faisala," Directed by Manish Lakra, Set to Release Soon



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Title: "Ek Galat Faisala," Directed by Manish Lakra, Set to Release Soon

Title: "Ek Galat Faisala," Directed by Manish Lakra, Set to Release Soon

Sleepwalkers Pictures proudly presents "Ek Galat Faisala," a gripping drama directed by Manish Lakra, set to release soon. The film features a stellar cast including Sonu Saini, Priya Gupta, Sanjay Singh, Tariq Anwar, and Reitu Mebisht. "Ek Galat Faisala" delves into the complexities of human emotions and the repercussions of a single wrong decision, promising to captivate audiences with its intense storyline and powerful performances. Stay tuned for the release date of this compelling narrative that explores the delicate balance between right and wrong.

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